Food Safety Consulting and Auditing Services
Apple Leaf employees and contractors can help you prepare for both domestic and international second- and third-party audits. We specialize in food safety consulting, training, and the development of food safety prerequisite programs, risk assessments, and protocols. Our experts can also perform comprehensive food safety and quality-based training for your employees.
Apple Leaf helps prepare your operation for new regulation compliances in the following areas:
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) Planning
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)
Non-GFSI Standards
Supply Chain Assessment
Environmental Sampling
Risk Assessments
Hygiene & Worker Safety
Approved Suppliers
Food Defense
Food Fraud
Market Access
In addition, our experienced staff can assist your operation with:
Environmental monitoring
ATP Programs
Water testing
MRL testing
Food fraud testing
Trace/recall procedures
Other testing as requested
Apple Leaf performs audits to ensure that each site we serve meets certification level requirements for both GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) and non-GFSI standards. We are currently certified to perform GFSI audits for the following audit schemes:
SQF (Safe Quality Food)
BRC Global Standard
GLOBALG.A.P. (Option 1 IFA/Option 2 QMS/Combinable Crop/GRASP/Tesco/PHA/FSMA
National Organic Program (NOP)
In addition, we perform audits for non-GFSI schemes such as:
Red Tomato
NON-GFSI PRIMUS and GMP standards
The Non-GMO Project
NOP (National Organic Program)
US Hemp Authority (USHA)
GMP-Processing and Manufacturing Facilities
GMP-Dietary Supplement Facilities